Thursday, December 10, 2009


In the Law, Economics, and Law post by Keith Donnelly he asks a very great question. He states: “Now say Walmart becomes so large that at some point they actually do form a " business monopoly," if even possible. When and where should the government step in with laws? Do they need to or is it the people's responsibility to not shop at Walmart if they do not like the company?” I personally think that the government should say as far and out of a situation as possible. However, if walmart did in fact become a monopoly I think they should step in and start some sort of ruckus. But I also believe that people should take some responsibility if walmart is really ruining mom and pop stores. If you truly are missing out on something, or society as a whole really needs to have something around, then yes, as a responsible United States citizen one needs to stand up and take a stand. It may be true that they are ruining mom and pop stores, however today and with the shape our economy is in, it is obvious that people are going to go where the prices are lower. However, some people on the other hand do not like walmart for their ascetics, or the dirtiness of the store, so they would rather shop somewhere smaller or a place that they feel comfortable. I do not think that walmart will ever become a business monopoly. If things are in fact ruining our economy, yes, I think that responsible citizen will stand up and fight for the cause.


  1. Jim, I agree with your post. I don't think WalMart will ever reach monopoly status. If they do, the government should surely step in as it is their responsibility to defend our free-market economy. However, before WalMart becomes a monopoly, citizens should take a stand for what they believe. Some citizens do this already by not shopping at WalMart, that is the beauty of a free-market economy. Before the government will step in, citizens will take action on their own.

  2. I also agree that Walmart probably will never become a full monopoly and dominate the market the way everyone thinks it will. Citizens will and should set in and do something, along with the government to control this system. But for now I know plenty of people who will not shop there just because Walmart is dominated the market.

  3. I think that WalMart has already monopololized. Small businesses across the country are being put out of business due to WalMart's low prices. WalMart has become a corporation that is continually growing and spreading. Walmart has already bought and merged with several other companies, such as 1-800 contacts. By continuing to offer the lowest prices, Walmart ensures that business will continue to come to it. As more and more wealth is generated, they spread further and further. I feel that government regulation is necessary in limiting the growth of WalMart. The small business owner's interests must be protected. There is already so much legislation that benefits huge corporations through loopholes and tax exemptions and the like. What about us?
