Friday, December 4, 2009

Politics and Wealth

Lately in class we have been talking about economics and wealth. Yesterday group had questions on their handout about is up to the government to make people happy base on wealth or should wealth be shared. I personally believe that the government controls the wealth and determines where people in the United States fall in the class system. I feel it is harder for people from the lower class to achieve compare to the upper class. After watching the movie " A Capitalism Love Story" directed by Micheal Moore it is sad how corrupt and greedy our government and companies are. In the movie it showed how members of the upper class are corrupted and infiltrating the political system so they can be on top for ever. In the movie former CEO's of Goldman Sachs and other companies had positions in former President Bush and Clinton administration. While in their administrations' they use their power to control the taxes so the rich can't be taxed as much and increase their money. Also during the movie President Regan was addressing the nation and a member from his administration who was a former CEO of Goldman Sachs told him to hurry up in the speech. I didn't know someone can tell the President of the United States to hurry up. There is always going to be corruption in our politics and Americans need to realized they set up a fake image for us of achieving the American Dream because they control how we can achieve the American Dream.


  1. I love watching Michael Moore's films because he is extremely good at getting the viewers on his side. He provides so much evidence and facts for his argument that is seems so obvious that he is correct. However, he only shows one side of it and is very biased. But i like how you incorporated him into law and economics.

  2. I don't have a full understanding of the "fake image" of the American Dream, you are trying to explain. The image of the American dream in my opinion is coming from noting, to being something and being successful.

  3. I agree some of these people in power in our country make certain decisions that benefit themselves and not the entire country. I think it's something like less than 1% of US population are in the upper class. I also watched the Michael Moore video and found it interesting how he link the Bush administration with Enron and other corruptions.

  4. I don't know that i can agree with "I personally believe that the government controls the wealth and determines where people in the United States fall in the class system." It seems to me that there are certain laws that have and are still being put into action that do de facto cause this to happen, but i don't think it is active so much on the part of the government as a whole as it is on the typical demeanor (whether conscious or not) of those of the class who happen to be in power more than others.

  5. I understand your points to an extent. There is always going to be corruption and greed associated with the government and politics. We need to do our best to try to control and regulate how much this affects our nation as a whole and the quality of life for our citizens. Although Michael Moore's film is a documentary, it is still a bias perspective of the government and an embellished opinion of the class system within the United States. I am not denying the fact that corruption has played a part in keeping people at certain class levels, but I do think that this isn't the only contributing factor to class movement.

  6. There is no question that corruption and greed flow through the very veins of our government. Look at former Vice President Dick Cheney for example. He was on the board of directors for Halliburton, a United States based corporation. When war with Iraq was imminent, Halliburton received billions of dollars worth of government contracts. In reality, Halliburton was not the best suited company - nor cheapest - to undertake these war contracts. I end this post with a saying that appears to be as true as death and taxes: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
