Saturday, October 24, 2009

Times Are Changing

I think that morals are the basis for all of our laws but we have to modify our laws because times have changed. The Constitution is constantly adding new amendments and this is because the world we live in is constantly changing. Do you think the founding fathers really new that there would be a thing called the internet or things like the automobile? We have had to add on to the original laws and make some adjustments because of this. Traffic laws and laws on computer use are in place to protect the people and keep everyone in a safe environment. All these things in our constitution started with morals and I think that the amendments we have had are derived from morals also. A lot of people have argued with traffic laws and saying that there is no morality in them. I disagree and feel like morality is in them because we don’t speed to ensure the safety of others and ourselves. Morality I feel is the best way to have laws because it gives people something more to believe in. I would find it harder to follow a law that I didn’t believe in. It’s true that people don’t have the same morals but I feel in general people have similar ones. The Ten Commandments are respected and similar to most religions. For example you shall not kill is pretty accurate with most people’s beliefs.


  1. Brian, I agree with your post. The founding fathers drafted the Constitution in a way so that its meaning is left up to interpretation. This allows our laws to change with changing times and morals. The intent when drafting the Constitution may not have been to leave it up for interpretation; however, that is reality and this practice has worked well through our history.

  2. I wouldn't say that the Constitution is 'constantly' adding new amendments because there is a very strict and hard way that amendments can come about. I do agree times have changed and the basis of morality does keep these changes in check but morality does change as well. For the US the basis of law was based on white males and Christianity and what they thought was 'right'. Now because of the feminist movements and other social equality movements, that shift of morality has shifted to a more liberal point of view.

  3. The Constitution was written as an adaptable document and part of that adaptability is the option to amend it. The vagueness of the Constitution and ability to change it, make it the great document it is. The Founding Fathers gave this country guidelines upon which to build and develop this country and new that some changes were going to be made. It is loosely structured because they wanted the rules to last. Also the wording of the statutes is in such a way that it can be applied to several situations. For example, all human beings deserve basic human rights. What is considered a basic human right has changes over the course of time and allows room to change still.
