Thursday, October 8, 2009

Religion and Traditional Natural Law

When responding to any statement made by a Traditional Natural Law theorist, the main concern is religion. Traditional Natural Law states that all laws and morals should come from a divine spirit. We should govern all aspects of life off of what religion says. The only problem is not everyone worships the same God or set of gods or even worships any metaphysical being. So how can any society that has freedom of religion or allows the teaching of any supernatural practice use natural law as their basis for life. There would be too many conflicts and disputes over who is right and who is wrong. Also it would be wrong to base all the rules and laws of a society on one persons beliefs then to force those rules on someone else with an entirely different set of beliefs. However, this is where the conflict comes in when making laws. No matter what the law is, someone is going complain about it and claim that it is against their religion or beliefs to follow that law. However, there needs to be a set of rules to govern society and that's where modern natural theorists step in and claim that natural law is needed but with more discretion involved. Also to make laws never changing and steadfast is not a realistic approach to governing a civilization. Times are always changing and it is the duty of the lawmakers to make sure the rules and laws are created to help society advance and progress. Religion will always be a hot topic when it comes to State and lawmaking but i feel that this is a good thing as long as religion does not have an overwhelming affect on how our society should be run.

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