Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sporting Officials as the Authority Role

A sporting officials is one of the toughest jobs to have in Sports. Everyone hates you or love you. You are the enemy to one team and the life saver of an other team. If we didn't have sporting officials at team competition there will be total chaos. There are rules and regulations teams must follow and sporting officials are there to make sure rules and regulations are being follow. In some cases athletes don't follow the rules and regulations of the game and the sporting officials gives them a penalty. Sporting officials are the authority in sports competition. Sometimes when athletes and coaches receives the penalty and they don't agree with it the penalties they curse out the officials. Even though the sporting officials are suppose to be the authoritative figure they still have the lack of respect from players, coaches and fans. The only time players and coaches respect the officials is when the calls are going on their side or they don't want to loose the game. This shows you people only follow rules and respect authority figures if they can benefit from it or in sports if the team can win. Everyone wants their team to win no matter if the rules and regulations have to be broken .


  1. Although I will agree to an extent with your post, your accusations completely true. It is true that fans need someone to blame when a call doesn’t go their way when their favorite team is playing but with instant replays taking over most of professional sports, save baseball and a few others, indisputable evidence is now the norm in overturning or upholding a call. Even though a fan might want to have someone to blame and chose that person to be the referee delivering the call, it is hard to argue a call when you see that the receivers foot really was on the line or a guard didn’t release the ball before the final buzzer. Sporting officials are the authority when it comes to sports but players will still do what they need to do to win, but they do not lack the respect that you have mentioned. When it comes to certain calls and certain sports, coaches and players will attempt to argue a call their way but when evidence is shown to the contrary, they accept the official as the authority over the event and accept what they rule.

  2. I agree that sporting officials have it pretty rough because when they make a bad call they are booed out of the stadium and much hatred from the fans and players is directed their way. However, when they make a good call, they are not even acknowledged since that is expected of them.

  3. I also agree to some extent. Officials are the authority on the field of a sporting event. They make sure the rules derived from the "rule book" are upheld during the game. There are many similarities between the way a sporting event works and how our legal system works. For one, there are guidelines, such as a rule book or the US Constitution and the officials act as judges. But to say that people or players only follow rules when they benefit from them is ignorant. Rules and laws are employed to ensure fairness and well-being.

  4. Your post it most definitely true. I know from experience of being on the sidelines during the Penn State games. The coach will jump all over an official that makes a "bad" call, but will rarely if ever say anything to an official that makes a call in our favor or the "right" call. Officials are definitely authority figures on the field because the are supposed to by an arm of the rule book.

  5. I agree with you to the extent that being a referee is an intense job. While you can be booed out of the stadium for bad calls and rarely get rewarded for good ones, that comes with the job. The refs knew what came along with the job when they took it, so they should know how to handle that kind of treatment.
