Sunday, November 15, 2009

Losing Morals because of Technology

It seems everybody is blogging about technology in class. I always taught that technology is adjusting to society more than our laws. Technology has advance in society over the years but i feel personally that we are loosing our morals when it comes to technology. We all know one of the ten commandments is thou shall not steal; but there is millions of people who download music compare to millions of people who don't go to a music store and steal records. Another commandment is thou shall not commit adultery but we have millions of people who have cyber sex than committing adultery. Also on the Internet a lot of people download illegal things such as porn, and computer programs. People know committing these acts are wrong but choose to commit these acts because they can get away with them on the Internet even though some times people get caught. I feel we are loosing our morals because we can take advantage of things on the Internet like get music for free and enjoy things on the Internet that wouldn't be acceptable in society. I'm might not agree with the things people do on the internet because of morals and I know its wrong but if you can get away with it and it makes you happy then why not.


  1. I think that people don't feel guilty for their loose morals online because when they are online, they are anonymous, and they don't see how it is hurting someone. Online crimes can be victimless crimes as compared to real life because since it is through a computer, chances are the offender does not know and will never know who the victim is, if there is one. Also, people don't see downloading music as a big deal, in my opinion, because a lot of popular artists are rich as hell and don't necessarily need the money anyway.

  2. Weather they need the money or not, our society has afforded them a great deal of importance and notoriety. This respect has forced us to pay enormous amounts of money to people that have worked and had lucky breaks to make it in the music industry. When we look at what has happened, we are the ones who created these monsters and our creations must be fed if we wish to enjoy them, wealthy or not, we must pay for what is rightfully someone else's property.

  3. I agree with your post Kristine. It does seem that technology, mainly the internet, gives individuals easy access to certain crimes. Normally, people wouldn't steal a CD in a store; however, the internet has made it easy to steal music with little risk so people naturally do it. I'm not sure if its people forgetting about morals or being opportunistic. The low risk of being caught is the most inviting factor.

  4. I took an honors english course in high school with a teacher who's main motif was that technology leads to moral decay. I agree with this statement. In many ways, technology both contributes to and detracts from everyday life. As a general trend, however, technology does lead to moral decay. The internet is a great example. People have access to the world at their fingertips. This reduces the amount of human interaction with the world around them. Conversations now take place electronically. Actual human interaction is decreasing. There are fears of future generations living their entire social lives through the internet. I feel that technology does lead to moral decay in many ways, such as desensitization of violence, enabling certain crimes that would otherwise not be possible, and development of ever increasingly powerful weapons. I'm not saying that technology is evil and should be done away with, it is very beneficial to us in every aspect of our lives. However, it is a double edged sword, in which the good comes with the bad.
