Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Equal Pay

In class the discussion was of an egalitarian social status. I don’t think the socialist system would work in our capitalist society. What motivates most Americans is the financial gain that comes with hard work. If I was a lawyer and made the same money as a janitor, I would be extremely upset and disheartened. Why would I go to law school and spend those years studying and paying expensive tuition when I will make the same amount of money as someone with a high school degree. Most of the jobs that pay substantially higher are because the education is very expensive and the stress levels are higher. To strive for improvement, and drive of competition, is what drives our society to discover new things and improve our world. If you make everyone financially equal, that would kill the motivation of our society. I think the idea of an egalitarian society is idealistic in theory but it would lower everyone to a sub par standard, as opposed to stabilizing it. The consequences of an egalitarian society outweigh the advantages of a socialist world. I think that the effort corporate America and advanced, educational institutions are making toward diversification will be helpful in making a better life available to all people. In a few years, the higher socio-economic society will better reflect the mass population.


  1. I completely agree with you that a socialist way of life would never work in the U.S. However, i feel that we need to fix our capitalist society because it is absolutely ridiculous for the top 1% of the U.S. makes more money than 95% combined. There should be some ceiling to how much a person can accumulate.

  2. Echoing Andrew's point, the combined wealth of the top 1% has increased dramatically over the last decade. This suggests not only that not everyone is enjoying increased earnings, but that "diversification"--if we leave out economic diversification--has not dramatically influenced the distribution of wealth in America.
