Wednesday, November 18, 2009


In class we had an interesting discussion about jobs and the salaries of jobs. Since I been in high school I always wanted to be a lawyer but since I came to college I don't know if I still want to go to law school. The reasons I don't know why I want to go to law school is because law school is very expensive and it is time consuming but I know if I go to law school and finish I will eventually make a good salary. The question I ask myself do I want to go to law school because of the money or because I really want to help people in society?
There are jobs in society people wont take because of the status it will give them in society on the social class level or because of the pay. Kennedy brought up an interesting point in the article that people choose certain careers because of the status behind it. Personally I probably wont take a job that pays me low or puts me on a low social scale but that shouldn't be a reason not to take a job but at the end of the day but I rather be in a high social class because society tells us that is the right choice in a hierarchy education system to always strive for the highest achievement and work our way up the ladder scale . At the end of the day people choose jobs because of the pay or that's the occupation field they want to work in. Some people may just want to be the janitor over the lawyer because they wont be in student loans debt, less schooling and they are happy.

1 comment:

  1. I feel as though this is true for some people. Some people thoroughly enjoy very high paying jobs. Some people are just made for that kind of work, and one must be good at that kind of job to excel in it (usually). An introvert person is not going to choose the path of the corporate business world just because it pays well, because it would require them to extend FAR beyond their comfort zone. I feel as though we all try to be as successful as we can doing what we love, and if we can't do what we love, we try to make as much money as possible to fill that void.
