Monday, September 28, 2009

Sometimes men are better

It's hard to say that "all women" are one way and "all men" are another way. Each individual is unique. Therefore, one individual woman can be more logical and business-savvy than an individual man. Conversely, an individual man can be more nurturing and motherly/fatherly than a given woman. But if we have to judge women as a group and men as a group, then it does seem that men are more business-minded than women are. Therefore, it makes sense that there are many more male CEOs and lawyers and many more female nurses and stay-at-home parents.

Sure, you could argue that this is the case because men were raised to do that. I think that would be a good argument 30 years ago, but not today. As a woman, I feel that I have been granted the same educational and career opportunities as any man.

I don't think it's necessary for each job to be made up of equal numbers of men and women. Should each job also have equal numbers of people with dark skin and light skin? How about straight hair and curly hair? Gender is just one characteristic of many. I don't think it should even be considered for a job. The best qualified person should be hired.


  1. I agree to an extent, if you look at the chances society affords individuals when it comes to working and education for a job, we see subtle biases that prevent individuals from getting jobs. Why is it that we see more interested men entering the sciences and business? The answer is men have selection power in most jobs and activities in the world. When a women applies her self as hard as she may, she may not be accepted to a position over a male who is equally qualified. So the question is, why do women not get these jobs, is it because they are not as intelligent as males, or they don't work as hard? Most likely the answer is no, women are discriminated against because they are viewed as inferior to males.

  2. I agree with your post. It should not matter what your race, gender, or ethnicity is. The best person qualified should get the job. Women today can do anything that men can do. If a man is more qualified he should get the job and if a woman is more qualified she should get the job. If their qualifications are the same then it is up to the employer, it’s as easy as that.

  3. In response to the previous comment, when two people of equal qualifications are competing for a job, one being a male and the other a female, most likely the male will get the job. Feminists feed off of these scenarios, questioning why the man was picked over the woman, emphasizing male dominance as the determining factor. Regardless, these type of scenarios are difficult to argue for or against. As in the previous comment, it is up to the employer to pick who they feel is best. But when men prevail in most of these equal qualification scenarios, it raises concerns on whether society continues to favor male dominance.

  4. I think we need to take into consideration the fact that truly identical applicants do not exist in the real world. Two individuals may have similar, or possibly even identical resumes, but personalities are never exactly the same. The question instead is whether or not the common traits in men are favorable in the business and science fields.

  5. I agree. Promotion should be awarded on merit alone. It is unreasonable to think that for any one job there are an equal number of white men, black men, white women, black women, Hispanic men, etc... who are equally qualified. While it may be true that men are bred for business and women are bred for nurturing that does not at all limit anybody from doing whatever they want. Look at college statistics of today- It is almost 50/50 the ratio of men and women who attend college.

  6. I do not think that men are more business-savvy than women. Perhaps the reason there are more male CEO's and stay at home mothers is because of society. I would argue there are so many men in power because society was inherently set up as such. Women assumed traditional gender roles in the past, while the man was the bread winner. Past ideologies have resulted in the status quo, where it would appear that men are better suited for the business world. As time goes on, however, we will see the trends reverse, as more and more women will surely assume careers traditionally attributed to males. I would argue that our generation will be the pioneers for change, because society's tradtional gender roles have changed over time. We may be the first generation to completely shed the traditional gender roles and reverse current trends.
