Thursday, September 3, 2009

Constitution and Law

In class today the comment was made that there are people who see the Constitution as gospel and even though it overlooked the fact that half the population could not vote or that slaves were not freed. I kind of found that to be a generalization of people who believe in what the Constitution says. The Constitution was written in a time when women and African-Americans were not seen as equal part of society. So can you fault the writers as the document for not putting in those things that were basically against half the nation’s values at that time? I don’t think you can. Although I do think that they should be given credit for creating a document the advanced a country and gave us a government that in theory should be one of the best in history. They also knew that their document was not 100% correct and that as time went on people would want to try to change it as they saw fit. This is why they put in a way for the people to change the Constitution through amendments. This is why I think that people need to look to the Constitution more often than they do, it is one of the most meaningful documents in history and a lot of people take it for granted.

It was also brought up in class about following laws even if we find them to be wrong or make no sense to us. I still think people have an obligation to follow the law because almost all laws are for a good reason. Even laws about marijuana have been put there for a reason whether or not, you or I agree with them.


  1. I agree that we are obligated to follow all laws whether we agree with them or not, and whether they are moral or amoral. Not all laws are created for good reasons though, even though it may seem right to its creator, such as apartheid and slavery laws probably seemed like the right thing to do for people at the time.

  2. I agree that the constitution was not perfect when it was first constructed but it was constructed as a living document constantly changing with new amendments. There have been many new amendments placed in since the creation of the constitution such as the 14th amendment giving people the right to due process. Laws like these are so important and have provided much protection for the American people. The freedoms that the constitution affords us are the reasons we have the luxury to protest and lead rallies if necessary. In addition, we are protected from most reasonable intrusions from our government.
