Thursday, September 24, 2009

Female Jurisprudence

Female Jurisprudence at first people feel that it is strictly for the benefit of women. It does benefit women but I feel that having equality for women benefits men also. Female Jurisprudence calls for a nonbiased in the workplace for women in the workplace. Female Jurisprudence has had 3 phases over the years in the 60’s and 70’s it was about enforcing ideals of equity within law, in the 80’s it was about the critique of gender bias in law, and in the 90’s it was more about other forms of anti-hierarchy such as homosexuals. I think that the nonbiased workplace gives females an opportunity to be independent and not just rely on males to support them. This releases the burden on males to be the sole financial contributor to the family. It also opens up other opportunities for males. Males will have more opportunity to be a big factor in raising their children. Paternity leave is a new option for new dads and I support this and agree with this. Being there for your wife and new child is important for the family to get adjusted and raise their new child. In class many people disagreed with this saying that it is not right for the dad to be away from work but in and equal society it should not be seen that way and the dad should be commended for his family values. Family should be put first over work, it may hurt a person at their job but they should have the option to choose to help raising their child.


  1. I agree that equal rights for women has benefited males in society but I don't want this to be the reason why women should receive equal rights. They deserve equal rights for themselves and not solely for the benefit of men. I'm sure that's not what you meant in your blog but I just want to make that clear.

  2. This post makes a very valid point that I had never really considered. Prior to women being allowed in the workplace to hold equal jobs as men, the males had to be the lone provider for the family. This meant less free time for them, less family time, and an increased work and stress load. Allowing women to hold equal jobs as men lets males focus more on living life, being with their families, and helping out in child raising. Years ago, this did not happen at all and I believe that a strong family has two parents who share the workload of child rearing equally.

  3. I agree with your opinion because you make a value point that equal rights for women is an important goal. Women should have the same allotted rights of men and allowing women to have higher profile will bring new ideas to the workplace. In addition, I agree with you that it is ok to have men involved in the family life and help the mother out. Having a tight knit family will bring closer bonds to your children and have a stronger family structure.
