Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reminder: The Pro-Life Movement is All About Punishing Women for Having Sex

It seems to me that Critical Legal Studies and its derivative field of Feminist Jurisprudence don't get enough representation around here. I figured that since the abortion and euthanasia discussions Friday got everyone all riled up, I'd post one of the more "contentious" charges leveled against pro-life groups; a charge that comes from the realm of feminist thought. This idea, at least in my experience, is almost never brought up in discussions of abortion policy, despite the fact that it merits serious consideration. The idea is this:
The positions of most pro-life policies are not consistent with the idea that abortion is morally equivalent to murdering a child, but instead are consistent with the idea that pregnancy is punishment for a woman having sex.
This idea is not new. It is also important to note that this claim deals with policies of the pro-life movement. It is certainly possible for individuals to hold morally-consistent anti-abortion stances, but this is the exception.

This blog put out a handy chart which covers some typical policy stances, and how they support to view of pregnancy as punishment. The two most damning claims, to me, were the ones dealing with partial-birth abortion bans and rape and incest exceptions. Strictly speaking, to be consistent with the idea of abortion being murder, one cannot allow any exceptions for cases where the mother is raped. The fact that this exception is often accepted by members of the pro-life movement gives credence to the claim that they really are only interested in punishing women, not saving babies.

Also, as a somewhat-relevant sidenote, there are no pro-life groups that support (actively encourage) the use of birth control.


  1. You know I've never really thought of the whole abortion issue in this sense before, and I have to say it does seem to make sense to me. I have always considered myself to be a pro-choice advocate, but I always focused my efforts, if any, on simply debating the pro-life ideal, instead of understanding the issue itself. Now I do feel as though there are truly some pro-life believers that feel as though abortion is actually murdering a baby, it would seem that the policies seem to punish women for having sex than trying to prevent murder. I also found it interesting that while I was reading this post I recalled a few of the people I've argued with stating "If you didn't want to have a child, then you shouldn't have had sex in the first place". So although it may be a stretch it seems to support your idea of punishing women for having sex. Overall I must say I appreciate your post because it actually made me think more about a completely overdone issue.

  2. Abortion can be an extremely controversial topic. There are always loopholes to every argument. say: well...if it's in the second trimester it's different then the first, which is far different from the third. Also, if it's rape, if it effects the mother's heath ect... I am pro-choice, but do believe third trimester abortions are wrong. that blog was very interesting and i never really thought about it that way. Throughout history woman have payed the price for sex and other things, but i feel that even today, it is so different for men. Example: if a woman sleeps around, she is a whore..but if a man sleeps around, he is a PIMP! it's a silly example, but it's the first one that came to mind. that blog has opened my eyes to a new issue in the pro-life argument.

  3. This is different, true, but I still don't see that this is a punishment. Punishment does not punish victims, it punishes the criminal. The exception for rape is around because this woman was a victim, not a consenting person. The idea behind pro-life is exactly what it says it's for, for life. It's idea is to allow people with a beating heart at a chance to life, liberty, and prosperity.
