Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama is Dubbed a 'socialist' by Angry Protestors

Obama’s Health Care Reform was brutally scrutinized on Tuesday, August 11, when the president tried to reclaim momentum by giving a direct rebuttal to the rumors and misrepresentations. Angered protestors held ruthless signs and shouted unforgiving words at Obama during his event. “Nobama Deathcare!” and “Obama Lies, Grandma Dies!” were just some of the callous words expressed by the protestors. Some even called Obama a socialist.
All Obama was trying to do was confront those who doubt him. He remained calm and collective while speaking amongst the angered crowd. People can’t expect things to do a complete turnaround over night; these things take time and Obama hasn’t even been in office for a year yet. The public has to learn to be patient and just know that Obama is trying his best at the moment and figuring out new strategies to be more aggressive; “Every time we come close to passing health insurance reform, the special interests fight back with everything they've got."
How can people call Obama a socialist when he is not trying to place people’s lives under his own control?

Source: Washington Post. Anne E. Kornblut and Michael D. Shear. Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Being a president is not easy by any means especially during this time of recession. However, I believe it was about 70% of the American public who voted him into office, so you will have those who disagree with proposed policies. It is bound to happen. We should stand by our president no matter the situation, but at the same time we should also question him. We have the right to. I am not going to just give the okay to every decision he makes. In regards to the socialist comment, I believe the public took it too far to label the President in such a matter, but at the same time I think it’s a good thing that we as a citizens provide some opposition.
