Thursday, December 10, 2009

Legal Reprocussions??

Though child pornography is a big deal and is harmful to children of all ages, is sexting really a big deal? Now honestly if it was my kid who was sexting, of course I would be very upset, and would punish them. However, sexting should not be a criminal punishment for kids who do this under the age of 18. I agree with Brandon’s post that if a boy and a girl under the age of 18 send naked pictures to each other via the computer or their phone, it is definitely consensual. Both are under age, and both knew what was going on. The pictures were not meant for a 42 year old man from a 16 year old girl or vice versa (which is even more disturbing). Both underage kids knew what they were doing, and should not be charged criminally. No one was harmed and nothing bad happened. It is simply wrong to charge these kids with a crime when technically nothing bad happened. However, if the 42 year old man was sexting the 16 year old girl, then we have a huge problem. In this case the law needs to be laid down. Even though the 16 year old girl knows what she is doing, there is no reason that a man above the age of 18 needs to be receiving nude photos of someone who is not of age. Not only is it sick, it is downright wrong. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

1 comment:

  1. Kids will always be reckless in their youth. I feel that sexting should not be considered a crime unless the material is distributed to anyone other than the intended recipient. I see it as free speech. Why shouldn't I be able to send nude pictures of myself to my peers? I agree that it is wrong to persecute these individuals. However, sexting can be and is abused, and some sanctions are required whether as punishment or deterrent to this behavior. We cannot allow sexting to go unpunished, everyone would be sending nude pictures of everyone to everyone. Thus I feel that some legislation is required, if for nothing less than a formality, to account for this phenomenon.
