Thursday, December 10, 2009

Different but not Equal

Isn't that post the exact same thing that I said in class? Anyway, let's just assume that I'm right no matter what and move on. Here's the thing: it's true that men and women are not equal. Neither is better than the other, but it's like comparing apples to oranges. The problem is that unlike apples and oranges, we are comparing two categories of self-defined human beings. In order to compare, we need categories and criteria. So basically what we have here is categories to compare categories to each other, the criteria for which are not constant and are self-invented. It's definitely confusing and that's why there won't be an answer to who is better. There are so many different ways to compare men and women that there will never be a right answer. How society sees things is different. Society as a whole thinks men are more powerful, dominant, and in control. But since society is made of individuals, couldn't we change this perception just by thinking differently? It's a wonder that hasn't happened yet.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statements because you are right that men and women are not equal in physical nature. In addition, you are right in thinking that neither men nor women are better than each other. The only way to fix this problem is to gradually weed out these theories of male dominance and the perceptions of women. The perceptions of women will eventually be died out as the older generations of people pass on. The secretary of the state is a woman and many women hold positions within the United States government. In addition, women are competing for jobs that were at one time male dominated. Women and men are not equal physically but bring different opinions to the world which should be viewed equally
